Monday, December 22, 2014

Use the Excel Web Access Web Part in SharePoint 2013

Suppose that you have published an Excel workbook to a SharePoint library, and now you want to display all or part of that workbook in its own SharePoint Web Part. You can do this by using a special Web Part known as the Excel Web Access Web Part.

Create Excel Services Application. LINK
Manage Excel Services trusted file locations. LINK

Create excel document with chart or table.

Save to SharePoint library.

In Browser View Options check chart.

Edit page.

Insert, Web Part. From the Categories menu, select Business Data.
From the Parts menu, select Excel Web Access and click add button.

Click here to open the tool pane.

Click the button under Workbook and choose excel file.
In the Named Item textbook, enter the name of chart or table.
Ok, Save Page.

That's it!

 Web part is automatically synchronizes with excel file.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Missing Blank Site Template in SharePoint 2013

When settings up site collectons, many use the Blank Site Template.
But in SharePoint 2013 no Blank Site Template.


Run the command Get-SPWebTemplate to get the full list of the available templates.
Blank Site template ID is STS#1.

Go to folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\1033\XML ,and open the WEBTEMP.XML file. There, you'll find a link like this.

Just change the Hiden="TRUE" to Hiden="FALSE"

Next time you want to create a new site, you'll get the Blank Site Template.

This is for English Language pack, for other Language choose diferent folder of  "1033"  C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\1033\XML
E.g. For Serbian (Latin) Language pack is "2074".

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Enable workspace field in an existing SharePoint 2013 calendar

Meeting workspaces, site templates designed specially for meetings, are a discontinued feature in SharePoint 2013.
In SharePoint 2013 the meeting workspace templates are still available, but hidden.
But what if you want to use meeting workspaces on an existing calendar created from the SharePoint 2013 standard calendar template or a calendar that has been migrated from SharePoint 2010. It’s quite easy using the SharePoint Management Shell.

Replace URL and the name of your calendar.

$web = Get-SPWeb http://portal
$list = $web.Lists["Calendar"]
$myAss = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint");
$type = $myAss.GetType("Microsoft.SharePoint.SPField");
[System.Reflection.BindingFlags]$flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Instance -bor [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::NonPublic
$SetFieldBoolValue = $type.GetMethod("SetFieldBoolValue",$flags)
$field = $list.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName("WorkspaceLink")
$arr = @()
$SetFieldBoolValue.Invoke($field, $arr);
$arr = @()
$SetFieldBoolValue.Invoke($field, $arr);
$method = $type.GetMethod("UpdateCore", $flags);
$method.Invoke($field, $true);
$field.ShowInEditForm = $true
$field.ShowInViewForms = $true

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Create Approval WorkFlow - SharePoint 2013

Create Library "Documents"
Create list "Approver Info" with two columns.
Name: "Editor"
Type: "Person or Group"
Require that this column contains information: "Yes"
Allow multiple selections: "No"
Allow selection of: People Only
Choose from: "All Users"

Similarly create "Approver" column and enter data.

Open SharePoint Designer 2013, open site.
On the ribbon, open List Workflow, choose Documents.

Enter name of Workflow.

Action, Set Workflow status, enter "Pending".

Action,  Set Workflow variable, create new variable.
Name "Approver", Type "String"

On Value click fx (define workflow lookup)
Enter data from two next pictures.

Click "Yes"

Action,  Start a task process.
These users, Participans field.
Add "Workflow Lookup for a Users and Groups"
Enter data from next picture.

Enter Task Title.

Condition, If any value equals value.

In first "value" click fx, enter data from next picture.
In second "value" choose Approved.

Action, Send an Email.
Click "To", Enter data from next picture.
(This mail will be send to Editor)

Define body of Email.

 Mark "If Varable Outcome....". and choose on the ribbon "Else Branch"

Action, Set Workflow status, set to Reject.
Action, Send an Email. Enter data from next picture.

Transition to stage, right click, go to stage.
End of Workflow.

In option of Workflow, check next fields.

Save and publish. Close SharePoint Designer.

On Sharepoint Site, in Workflow Tasks list, as Approvel, modify view.

Create document in Library "Documents" as Editor.
In Workflow Tasks when sign in as Approvel will be displayed new task to be approved.

Click on task name and edit task. That's it!


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Create Document Template with Metadata through Quick Parts - SharePoint 2013

Open Site Settings, Site content types.

Create new. Choose Document Content type, Document.

Create new site columns.

On local computer create Office document (word,excel...),
which will be the template.

In Content type, Advanced settings.

Upload created document,

In Library, Settings, Advanced settings.

Check "Yes".

In Library Settings, Content Types, Add from existing site content types.

Choose previously created Content type.

In Library Settings, click on Content type.

Advanced settings, Edit Template.

Insert, Quick Parts, Document Property.
Add previously created columns.

In Library, New Document open Content type.

Fill with data and save.

"Modify this View"

That's it!