Thursday, November 5, 2015

Term Store Management - Submission Policy grayed out

In the Submission Policy section, specify whether you want the term set to be Closed or Open. If you want the term set to be updated only by those people who have permission to update managed metadata, select Closed. If you want all users to be able to add new terms to the term set when they update the value for Managed Metadata columns mapped to this term set, then select Open.

Submission Policy grayed out.

Open SharePoint Management Shell as Administrator and run next command:

#Connect to Central Admin
$Session = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession(“Central Admin URL”)

#Connect to Managed Metadata Service
$Store = $Session.TermStores[“Managed Metadata Service Name”]
#Get the group
$Group = $Store.Groups[“Group Name”];
#Get the Term Set
$TermSet = $Group.TermSets[“Term Set Name”];
#Update the Is Open property
$TermSet.IsOpenForTermCreation = $false;

#Commit changes


#Connect to Central Admin
$Session = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession(“http://dev6:55555”)

#Connect to Managed Metadata Service
$Store = $Session.TermStores[“Managed Metadata Service”]
#Get the group
$Group = $Store.Groups[“System”];
#Get the Term Set
$TermSet = $Group.TermSets[“Keywords”];
#Update the Is Open property
$TermSet.IsOpenForTermCreation = $false;

#Commit changes

Monday, November 2, 2015

Inheriting parent site Theme in sub-sites - SharePoint 2013

How to inherit parent site theme on subsites?

Theme Inheritance – Publishing Sites

Site Settings > Master Page, under the Theme section of that page check "Reset all subsites to inherit the theme of this site"

Theme Inheritance – Non-Publishing Sites

Open SharePoint Management Shell as Administrator and start next command:
$url = "http://your-site"
$site = Get-SPSite -Identity $url
Write-Host "RootWeb Theme: " site.RootWeb.ThemedCssFolderUrl
foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) {
  Write-Host "Web Title: " $web.Title
  Write-Host "Web Theme: " $web.ThemedCssFolderUrl
  $web.ThemedCssFolderUrl = $site.RootWeb.ThemedCssFolderUrl