Friday, August 28, 2015

Change Distributed Cache service memory - SharePoint 2013

Use this procedure to reconfigure the memory allocation of the cache size of the Distributed Cache service in SharePoint

1.Determine the total physical memory on the server.

2.Reserve 2 GB of memory for other processes and services that are running on the cache host. For example, 20 GB – 2 GB = 18 GB. This remaining memory is allocated to the Distributed Cache service.

3.Take half of the remaining memory, and convert it to MB. For example, 18 GB/2 = 9 GB or 9216 MB. This is the cache size of the Distributed Cache service.

4.To check the existing memory allocation for the Distributed Cache service on a server, run the following command at the SharePoint Management Shell command prompt:

Get-AFCacheHostConfiguration -ComputerName ComputerName -CachePort "22233"

5.Stop the Distributed Cache service on all cache hosts in the farm.

6.To change the cache size of the Distributed Cache service, run the following command at the SharePoint Management Shell command prompt:

Update-SPDistributedCacheSize -CacheSizeInMB 9216

7.Start the Distributed Cache service on all cache hosts in the farm.

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