Monday, September 10, 2018

Find email listed for access requests in SharePoint

This script will walk through your web application and list the site name, url, and email address for all of your sites in SharePoint. Subsites are included.

When a SharePoint site is created, by default the creator’s email address is automatically populated into the “Manage Access Requests”. However, sometimes the creator isn’t the site owner, and doesn’t handle the day-to-day access requests for the site.

Start PowerShell as Administrator

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -erroraction SilentlyContinue

#Starting web app
$site = “https://siteUrl

# Function: FindAccessEmail
# Description: Go through a target web application and list the title, url and access request email.
function FindAccessEmail
$WebApps = Get-SPWebApplication($site)
foreach($WebApplication in $WebApps)
foreach ($Collection in $WebApplication.Sites)
foreach($Web in $Collection.AllWebs)
$siteDetails = $Web.title+’#’+$Web.url+’#’+$Web.RequestAccessEmail
write-host $siteDetails
Write-Output $siteDetails
#Run Script!
FindAccessEmail | Out-File -filepath C:\Temp\AccessRequestEmails.csv

1 comment:

  1. One of the key features is the Find email address. You can find a company name and the name of your target lead for anybody's email address. Touch work hours are limited to milliseconds. We gather and process millions of public information every day to deliver a fast and reliable E-Mail Finder for any business or sector.
