Monday, September 24, 2018

Find large lists and large files in SharePoint with PowerShell

Detect large lists in SharePoint

Do you want to find out all the Large lists in your SharePoint site collection? This PowerShell script will help you to get the result.

$rootSiteCollectionUrl = "https://sbportal";
$sa = Start-SPAssignment -Global;
(Get-SPSite $rootSiteCollectionUrl).WebApplication.Sites | Foreach-Object {$_.AllWebs} | Foreach-Object {$_.Lists} | Where-Object {$_.ItemCount -ge 2000} | Format-Table Title,ItemCount,ParentWebUrl
$sa | Stop-SPAssignment;

Detect large files in SharePoint

The following PowerShell script would give you the list of files which are larger than 50MB in a SP web application. Just change the $filesize parameter based on your requirement and you should be good to go.

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
Start-SPAssignment -Global
#Change the site url below
$Site = Get-SPSite https://sbportal     
$spWeb = $Site.WebApplication
#Enter the target file size in MB
$fileSize = 50
Write-Host "------Checking the SP web app for large files------"
# Enumerate though all site collections, sites, sub sites and document libraries in a SP web app
if($spWeb -ne $null)
foreach ($siteColl in $spWeb.Sites)
  foreach($subWeb in $siteColl.AllWebs)
     foreach($List in $subWeb.Lists)
        if($List.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary")
          $ItemsColl = $List.Items
             foreach ($item in $ItemsColl)
             $itemSize = (($item.File.Length)/1024)/1024
              if($itemSize -Ge $fileSize)
               $itemUrl = $item.Web.Url + "/" + $item.Url;
               Write-Host $itemUrl ", File size:: " $('{0:N2}' -f $itemSize) MB -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "---------DONE---------"
Stop-SPAssignment -Global

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