Detect large lists in SharePoint
Do you want to find out all the Large lists in your SharePoint site collection? This PowerShell script will help you to get the result.
$rootSiteCollectionUrl = "https://sbportal";
$sa = Start-SPAssignment -Global;
(Get-SPSite $rootSiteCollectionUrl).WebApplication.Sites | Foreach-Object {$_.AllWebs} | Foreach-Object {$_.Lists} | Where-Object {$_.ItemCount -ge 2000} | Format-Table Title,ItemCount,ParentWebUrl
$sa | Stop-SPAssignment;
Detect large files in SharePoint
The following PowerShell script would give you the list of files which are larger than 50MB in a SP web application. Just change the $filesize parameter based on your requirement and you should be good to go.
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
Start-SPAssignment -Global
#Change the site url below
$Site = Get-SPSite https://sbportal
$spWeb = $Site.WebApplication
#Enter the target file size in MB
$fileSize = 50
Write-Host "------Checking the SP web app for large files------"
# Enumerate though all site collections, sites, sub sites and document libraries in a SP web app
if($spWeb -ne $null)
foreach ($siteColl in $spWeb.Sites)
foreach($subWeb in $siteColl.AllWebs)
foreach($List in $subWeb.Lists)
if($List.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary")
$ItemsColl = $List.Items
foreach ($item in $ItemsColl)
$itemSize = (($item.File.Length)/1024)/1024
if($itemSize -Ge $fileSize)
$itemUrl = $item.Web.Url + "/" + $item.Url;
Write-Host $itemUrl ", File size:: " $('{0:N2}' -f $itemSize) MB -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "---------DONE---------"
Stop-SPAssignment -Global
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